
Wind Energy
Wind turbines are light-weight cost-optimized structures directly exposed to the elements. So vibrations are key to loads and lifetime in any wind turbine project.
Uncontrolled vibrations lead to downtime and construction delays, both onshore and offshore.
We deliver problem assesment and mitigation for the whole wind energy supply chain. And we provide expert TMD design assistance, including third-party certification e.g. with DNV GL.
Wind turbines face vibrations due to the wind, in particular in the construction phase, where aerodynamic damping is low. Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) need to be controlled.
WTG towers grow higher as the industry matures. This means that vibrations happen at still lower frequencies, increasing the risk of problems such as as wave induced vibrations of monopile-supported offshore towers and 2nd mode VIV of onshore turbines
Vibrations need to be taken into account to avoid
- accidents
- equipment damage and material fatigue
- delays and downtime
We offer expert design assistance and custom-made TMDs, including our TG Compact Low Frequency Damper.
Civil Engineering
Structures like stairs, walkways, floors and bridges are vulnerable to vibration problems, especially when built elegant and light-weight.
Vibrations can happen due to traffic (including walking), machinery or winds. Excessive vibrations are annoying and disturbing.
But the cost of countermeasures has to balance the gains.
We offer solutions and expert advice, always keeping the needs of the customer in mind .
Vibrations can be very difficult to predict. Problems can arise both in the design phase and sometimes after a structure has been commisioned.
Building codes provide design guidelines for avoiding vibration problems. These designs may however be excessively stiffened and expensive.
In most cases, appropriate design is the cheapest solution. If problems make themselves known when the structure is already in use, quick measurement and diagnosis is essential.
We are experienced in designing and manufacturing state-of-the-art Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs). We provide custom-made TMDs as well as our unique TG Broadband Damper.

We know the challenges posed by vibrations in the industry.
Smokestacks are exposed to horizontal vibrations, and machinery can give rise to problematic vibrations. Vibrations can jeopardize safety and damage equipment.
We offer solutions, both for urgent problems and for adressing vibrations already in the design phase.
Tall smokestacks are vulnerable to Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV), where we have considerable expertise. Smokestack VIV can be spectacular publicly visible, see e.g. here, and can lead to costly plant evacuation and closure, while problems are mitigated.
VIV can be mitigated using Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs).
For macine-induced vibrations we offer measurement and diagnosis and advice on solutions, which can include vibration isolation or a TMD.